Download "Financial Implications of RHD Genotyping of pregnant women with serologic weak D phenotype"

An estimated 3,812,000 pregnancies occur in the United States every year, and approximately 556,500 occur in women who typed as Rh negative. However, 16,700 of those individuals aren’t truly Rh negative and instead have a weak D phenotype.

Since Rh-negative women are typically given both antepartum and postpartum treatments of RhIG, approximately 24,700 doses are given to women who could be considered Rh positive and therefore, don't need RhIG.

Current standards call for a conservative strategy — OB-GYNs treat uncertain results as Rh(D) negative to prevent possible cases of HDFN, but this approach may result in an excessive misuse of resources. Instead RHD genotyping may provide a cost-effective solutions.

Fill out the form to find out more in our PDF "Financial implications of RHD genotyping of pregnant women with a serologic weak D phenotype," which appeared in Transfusion, and was authored in part by NYBC's Dr. Connie Westhoff.

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